Chat your way to Health & Fitness

Welcome to Journable, where tracking your diet and exercise is as easy as having a conversation.
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Red Circle Background Visual Element
Screenshot of the Journable AI Bot responding to a user input of "Paella"
Screenshot of the Journable AI Bot responding to a user input of "Chicken Caesar Salad"
Screenshot of the Journable AI Bot responding to a user input of "1 hour running"

Effortless Calorie Tracking with AI Chat

Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, Journable provides the tools and insights you need to succeed.
Goal checkmark

Personalized Goal Setting

Set your own health goals and track your progress within the app.
Analytics Pie Chart icon

AI-Powered Meal & Exercise Analysis

Get instant nutritional and exercise insights based on your conversations.
Globe icon

Track Local & International Foods

Journable's AI understands a wide variety of foods, from homemade meals to restaurant dishes.
Blue Circle Background Visual Element
Red Circle Background Visual Element
Screenshot of the Journable AI Bot responding to both food and exercise user inputs

Chat-Based Calorie Tracker

Log meals and workouts with a user-friendly AI chat, no databases needed. See your calorie intake and burn throughout the day, keeping you on track for your goals.

Download Journable today and take control of your health journey

Reach your health goals with real-time meal & exercise tracking, chat-style!

Journable has been a game changer for me! All the other tracking apps were a bit too much work to consistently log my food. This makes it so much quicker & easier.
Larissa H.
I love how useful the workout tracking is! Before using Journable I actually had no idea how much calories I was burning in my strength training, now I just paste my entire workout and get a full analysis. 10/10
Shouvik S.
Someone finally built the calorie tracking app I have been waiting for: super straightforward to use, very simple UI, and easy to manage. Thank you!  
Jessica A.
Wow, pretty impressed with this app. My big issue with every other food tracker was that they never had my food listed, and I would spend so much time manually inputting macros. This is the first time I've managed keep consistent with my diet.
Martin Luther
Product Designer at Uber.INC
Elias F.
I no longer look at the calories labels on food, ask about them at restaurants, or try to calculate them for my home dishes. This app is truly amazing how much time and effort it saves me.
Martin Luther
Product Designer at Uber.INC
Martin Luther
Product Designer at Uber.INC
Liv P.
Martin Luther
Product Designer at Uber.INC
Martin Luther
Product Designer at Uber.INC
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Journable for Professionals

Are you a health professional working with clients? Take your nutrition practice & client consultations to a new level with Journable for Professionals.